Hey Ho, Here We Go

|December 31, 2012 | Found Images

A very pretty thing which I saw here. Oh, and happy new year, or as they say where I am, sour sdey chnom thmey!


|December 31, 2012 | Found Images

With a nod to Dreams Like That.


Lord, Lord.

|December 31, 2012 | Found Images

More never-before-seen photos of my man, THE man, are here.


|December 30, 2012 | Captchas


|December 29, 2012 | Found Images


|December 28, 2012 | Found Images


We Pull Teeth

|December 28, 2012 | Asia, Travels

Siem Reap, Cambodia. As seen on my hot, dusty walk up Highway 6 to Phsar Leu Thom Thmei Market. So many hand-painted signs that I would hang on my wall. They are everywhere. You think to yourself, ” yeah, if I rolled up on this place with a wad of bills .. “, and then you feel like a jerk. #northamericanscum



|December 26, 2012 | Asia, Travels

Siem Reap, Cambodia. I was at Ta Prohm temple today ( this! ), and I came across some Vietnamese Graffiti. This is from when Vietnam and Cambodia were firm allies against the U.S., a few years before things changed completely and the two countries were at war – still, the temple would have been almost completely swamped by jungle at this time, and radically ruined, and silent, except for the calls of birds and monkeys.


I’ve always been fascinated by old graffiti. There’s a Civil War fort in Florida, and it was real cool to see it, but my chief memory is how a Boy Scout troop carved their names there in 1944.



|December 26, 2012 | Found Images

Stopping Off Place.


|December 26, 2012 | Asia, Photos Of J.Yuenger, Travels

Cambodia. In a Cham Muslim village on the red-dust road between Kampot and Kep.

Forty Six

|December 26, 2012 | Found Images

When I was born, one place in the world looked like this. And what with where I was born, this scene could have been taking place right down the street.



|December 25, 2012 | Found Images



|December 25, 2012 | Found Images


|December 25, 2012 | Found Images

Further Studies Of The Shoes Of The Ramones

|December 25, 2012 | Found Images

Crossing Paths

|December 25, 2012 | Found Images


Xmas Morning

|December 25, 2012 | Asia, Travels

Siem Reap, Cambodia. Christmas morning at Angkor Wat. I’d been dreaming about coming here for years, and it was a nice present to myself. I hope you’re having a good day as well.



” This is my photograph of Angkor Wat. There are many like it, but this one is mine. “

You Think You’re DIY? Not Hardly.

|December 25, 2012 | Video

Various And Sundry

|December 24, 2012 | Various And Sundry

* Human skulls deliberately warped into strange, alien-like shapes.


* Amoeba Music’s Vinyl Vaults is no Napster, despite what musicians say.


* Can tattoos be medicinal? Also, are tattoos safe? Additionally, ” Contemporary tattooing in the West can be traced to the 15th century, when European pilgrims would mark themselves with reminders of locations they visited, as well as the names of their hometowns and spouses to help identify their bodies should they die during their travels. “


* The basement.


* Re: Chicago : ” This to me is the most interesting thing I’ve ever posted. I could stare at these for hours. “


* A nice review of a record I helped a friend of mine with. But how will it play in Peoria?


“ I REFUSE TO CATER TO THE BULLSHIT OF INNOCENCE. ” An interview with Maurice Sendak. He shaped your childhood with his wonderful books, of course, but you have no idea how cool he really was.


|December 24, 2012 | Found Images

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