* A history of British folk horror
* Most decade-specific words in Billboard popular song titles, 1890 – 2014
* Some interesting new discoveries about Louis Armstrong, and therefore about New Orleans, jazz, America, us
* Some record covers
* All about UFO
* Probably mainly of interest to people who are from Chicago and were teens in the 1980s : Medusa’s
* All about designing a logo
* How some video stores are thriving in the age of Netflix : Not Dead Yet
* 15 days crossing the Pacific Ocean on a cargo ship : ” Why are you on this vessel?” said with raised eyebrows and an amused smile that suggests, You’re a fucking moron. Slow Boat From China
* An unsteady history of drunkenness : Blurred Forms
* Canada‘s only record-pressing plant is closing, moving to the USA
* One million mummies : also, graffiti from Pompeii
* On, among other things, America’s burgeoning condiment monoculture
* All about Dee Dee
* Some fantastic goddamn signs
* All about modesty
* What did ancient music actually sound like? This, maybe
* “Something happened that nobody can make a movie between $500,000 and $80 million. That can’t be possible.” The death of mid-budget cinema
Also, this motherfucking jam, which was, hearing it on the radio, a magical song to me when I was, I don’t know, 12 years old. They did not play it very often.