Watching :

|April 30, 2014 | Watching

Jodorowsky’s Dune. How could the story of a film that never got made be so inspiring? I liked everything about this, and I really dig Jodorowsky’s idea of artists as warriors.

ThinnerJodorowsky et Giraud


|April 30, 2014 | Found Images


|April 28, 2014 | Found Images

Nubian Pyramids

FUN FUN FUN : Full Set

|April 27, 2014 | Video

Here are the Big Boys, from Austin, Texas. I got to see them once, about a year before this, and .. look at the teenage boys running around on the stage here – my experience, exactly ( bless you, grown men, for tolerating us ). I keep in touch with a few of my comrades from that time, and we tend to agree : the Big Boys were the coolest, funnest band of the era.Thinner 
We’re not in it to lose : fuck you!


|April 27, 2014 | Found Images

Hermit's Castle


|April 27, 2014 | Found Images

Young Men


|April 27, 2014 | Found Images

1930s Celphones


|April 24, 2014 | Found Images

Al-Shaheed Monument

A Mystery

|April 24, 2014 | Video


|April 24, 2014 | Travels


In transit. If two sweeter words exist in the English language, I have yet to hear them. Suspended between coming and going, neither here nor there. my mind slows, and, amid the duty-free shops and PA announcements, I achieve something approaching calm. I’ve often fantasized about living in Airport World. Not one airport, mind you, like the Tom Hanks character in that movie, but a series of airports. I would just keep flying around the world, in a state of suspended aviation. Always coming, never arriving.”                             – Eric Weiner, The Geography Of Bliss



I hate flying, and I hate airplanes ( I mean, who doesn’t ), but I love airports.Thinner


|April 24, 2014 | Found Images

Richard Hell, CBGB’s, New York City, 1978, by Godlis


|April 23, 2014 | Found Images



|April 23, 2014 | Found Images

Miami Serpentarium


|April 22, 2014 | Found Images


Staff Riding

|April 22, 2014 | Video


|April 22, 2014 | Found Images

Wally Wood - Sound Effects


|April 20, 2014 | Found Images

ThinnerSnoopy EggsThinner


|April 19, 2014 | Found Images



|April 18, 2014 | Found Images

Harry Dean Stanton Alien Cap

Various And Sundry

|April 18, 2014 | Various And Sundry


* “They said, ‘The world is our home.’ Believe me, if they had said that to me in a bar in Brooklyn three months ago, that statement would have been met with a hearty eye-roll. But while I was traveling, I said, without any cynicism: ‘That is fucking amazing.'” How to ditch your job and flee the country


* Saxophones don’t belong in rock n’ roll.


* “Although village discos weren’t part of any pagan ritual, they made me think of ancient times when villagers celebrated their pagan holidays in the forest.”


* Blowjobs? Illegal. Necrophilia? Legal! Louisiana.


* A very in-depth look at 1979’s Sony TPS-L2, the first Walkman ever made. Also, if you have young children, you will probably find this amusing/familiar.


* Manufacturing a Michael Jackson CD.


* How Matisse and Picasso turned old age into art.


* When “peak beard” frequency is reached, the pendulum swings back toward lesser-bristled chins – a trend we may be witnessing now, scientists say.


* Sailing around the world and getting by without cash.


* On the trail of the phantom women who changed American music and then vanished without a trace (this piece is quite long, and pretty great, so give yourself time to read it)


* A list of people who disappeared mysteriously.ThinnerAndrew-Miksys-Disko

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