Guitars submerged for 2 weeks in a mixture of Mississippi water and what’s in the ground in New Orleans look like this :
Disregarding the various interesting things actually happening in this photo, I would just dearly love to visit this candy-colored world. Dreams Like That.
So, my first amp ( well, my first big amp. The first amplifier I ever owned was a Peavey Decade, 10 watts of solid-state power, yeaaahhhhh ) was a blue sparkle-vinyl tuck n’ roll Earth head + 2X15 cab, as seen here — this was 1982, and I’ve never, ever seen another like it since then, until this backyard show I went to in Austin TX last week. The guy with the Gibson bass and knee brace? Mike Watt.
That’s Brian Wilson and Van Dyke Parks – I know you’re familiar with the Beach Boys, but here’s a VDP tune I really like :
Van Dyke Parks : G-Man Hoover