
|July 28, 2014 | Found Images

The Source Restaurant

You’re Soaking In It

|July 28, 2014 | Video


|July 28, 2014 | Found Images

Witch Doctors Of Bolivia

I’d Rather

|July 28, 2014 | Found Images

TG + Flipper


|July 27, 2014 | Found Images, Gear

Viking Magnatone


|July 27, 2014 | Captchas, Europe, Travels

Captcha - Antalya


|July 26, 2014 | Found Images

Ethel Spowers - Val De Grace - Paris


|July 26, 2014 | Found Images

George Harrison


|July 26, 2014 | Found Images

James Baldwin In Istanbul 1ThinnerJames Baldwin In Istanbul 2ThinnerJames Baldwin In Istanbul 3

May My Wound Be Deadly

|July 26, 2014 | Found Images

Corsican Vendetta Knife


|July 25, 2014 | Video


|July 25, 2014 | Found Images



|July 24, 2014 | Europe, Found Sounds, Travels

Taksim 72ThinnerStudents - Military Museum IstanbulThinnerBaris Manco 72Thinner

Baris Manco : 2023

Baris Manco : 2023


|July 24, 2014 | Video

You know what, when WZ played in New Zealand, can’t remember the town, Wellington, maybe, the was a Maori bike gang riot outside the gig. Made the papers the next day, I remember that. Met a couple of those guys; nice guys. Hell’s Angels I have met, too, were much more civil and pleasant than you’d imagine.Thinner



|July 23, 2014 | Found Images

Coyote Bluffs North


|July 22, 2014 | Europe, Travels

Flags Istanbul Turkey 10X10ThinnerInscription Hagia Sophia Istanbul 10X10

Koko’s Earth Control

|July 21, 2014 | Video


|July 21, 2014 | Captchas, Europe, Travels

Captchas - Istanbul

Various And Sundry

|July 18, 2014 | Various And Sundry


* On The Decline Of Western Civilization. In appreciation of Zen Arcade.


* Silent-movie posters found under floorboards : also, vintage posters discovered in London tube station


* Piano Phase


* How Bob Marley posthumously became a household name


* Some very pretty album covers


* How does tattooing really work?

ThinnerEugene - Decline


|July 17, 2014 | Found Images

George Harrison India 1966

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